I am U-Zyn Chua. I build, research and write about technology, AI and the open web.
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Digg is coming back

Digg is coming back!

Digg was one of the very first social news aggregators back in the 2005-ish. It's one of the inspiration that led to me creating and launching Ping.sg in 2006. Ping.sg was a social blog aggregator for mainly Singpaore blogs.

To me, that's a sign of revival of free and open web independent of big techs.

I'm happy to see it. It's a glimpse of a validation of a few things that I am working on in the space of open web.

I like what my friend Ridz call it: Make the web personal again.

KahWee's AI-generated blogging engine

Also check out my friend KahWee's new blog. It is not built on any blogging engines nor any off-the-shelf static site generators. It is built entirely with Claude Code!

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